Meiho Versus Vs-8050 (542X300X397Mm)
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Meiho Versus VS-8050

The VS-8050 is a comfortable and versatile big lure-holder box. In the high part we can find a little bay for weights, hooks and other terminal tackles. The wide under bay can be organized in a lot of ways; it can contains up to seven SCF-L and two VS-820 (not included). The frontal bay contains four drawers with different divisors position, for find every time the best use. The drawers has also a security close-lock for avoid chance opening. The frontal panel, sun-resistant, flows horizontally up to disappear into the VS8050, in order to avoid the encumbrance. The VS8050 is surely one of the best lure-holder boxes on the market.

The boxes shown in the picture are not included.

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